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Rabbit-Proof Yards. Here's How.

May 5th 2020

Rabbits are adorable - with their bushy cotton tails and their long ears - but veteran gardeners that have seen rabbit damage first-hand know better than to get excited when they see them in yards. Rabbits are the second most complained about wild animals behind deer from growers and cause millions of dollars in loss agriculture each year. To protect organic gardens from rabbits, growers will need to rabbit-proof lawns and gardens. Here's how to do it:

Rabbit-resistant plants to grow

According to, rabbits will always try eating apples, hydrangeas, lilies, pansy, violets, maple and impatiens the find in home gardens; but will stay clear from some other types of plants that may not agree with their digestive tracts. To protect plants from rabbit damage, growers can consider planting herbs such as oregano and thyme as well as veggies such as asparagus and potatoes. While they may nibble at these plants, they will usually hop away after a few nasty bites.

Rabbit-proof fencing

Growing the above plants for rabbit resistance is a great secondary barrier; however, the better route is rabbit fencing. Installing a rabbit fence that is at least 2-3' feet tall will prevent rabbits from hopping into growing sites. It is recommended that a steel fence with PVC is used with 1" x 1" mesh holes to block small bunnies from reaching crops. The metal fence should be trenched into the ground at least 6" to prevent burrowing, as well. Alternatively, ground stakes can be used to hold down fencing.


Rabbit damage can be a thing of the past if growers are proactive enough to block them with rabbit fencing and planting rabbit-resistant herbs and veggies in the garden. 

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