Cat Fencing Vs Catios
Aug 23rd 2019
Some cat owners have heard the term catio; but this is not the same thing as a cat fence.
Catios are great for townhouse owners that have limited space to offer for cats to play. Catios can serve several cats and include a top to block wildlife and bird attacks on cats. While catios have multiple levels for cats to jump and walk around, the systems provide limited space for cats to play. Which is why cat owners turn to cat fencing.
Cat fences serve multiple cats and can be set-up on small or large plots of land. They allow cats the freedom to run and play without getting out. The systems are generally made from a poly and welded wire material to deter cats from climbing and chewing their way out of the system. While cat fencing does not include a top, it does include overhang extenders to block wildlife, stray dogs and feral cats from entering the yard.
Cat fencing is not the same thing as a catio. Both systems serve a wonderful purpose; but cat fencing wins our hearts for overall animal health and wellness.